
Answer the obejective question on the basis of the topic

Answer the objective question on the basis of the topic "The Living World"    

 (1)All living thing possess..........

  (A) Horizontal cleavage.

  (B) Vertical cleavage.

  (C) Cell division.

  (D) NO cell division.

 (2) In Animal cell division occurs .............

   (A) throughout the life .

   (B) certain stages of life .          

   (C) middle stages of life .

   (D) none of above .

 (3) In plant cell division occur......

   (A) Pre reproductive age of life .

   (B) Post reproductive age of life .

   (C) throughout the life .

  (D) Middle age of life .                                

(4)Unicellular organism also grow by............

  (A) Division .

  (B) Cell division .

  (C) Differentiation .

  (D) All of above .

 (5 ) These are the places were wild animal are kept in protected environments under human care .

  (A) Museum.

  (B) Sanctuary .

  (C) Biosphere.

  ( D) Botanical garden .

(6) Were the plants and animals speciman may also preserved as dry speciman .

  (A) Santuary .

  (B) Museum .

  (C) Botanical garden .

  (D) Key .

 (7) The specimen garden have collection of living  for references are  called ..

  ( A) Botanical garden .

  (B) Herbarium .

  (C) Key .

  (D) Zoo .

( 8 ) The store house of collected plant specimens that are dried pressed and preserved on sheets .

   (A) Sheet .

   ( B) Herbarium .

   (C) Zoo.

   ( D) Botanical garden.

(9) What is the Biological name of the fruit mango.

  (A)Mangifera .

  (B)Mangifera indica .

  (C) Musca domestica .

  ( D) Solanum tubersum .

(10) Choose the correct Hierarchical arrangement in ascending order .

  (A) Species ->Genus->Family->Order->Class-->.

     Phylum->Division-> Kingdom .

 (B) Species ---->Family---->Genus--->Order---->Class--->

    Phylum---->Kingdom .



(D) Species ---->Genus--->Order---->Family---->Class---->

    Division---->Kingdom .

(11) The  characteristics all living organism can be           classified into different taxa and the process of classification is called.....

(A) Morphology.

(B) Taxonomy .

(C) Cell -division .

(D) All of above .

(12) How many species in the world that are known today.

(A)1 million--2 million .

(B) 2 million----4 million

(C) 1.7 million---1.8million.

(D) 1.5million---1.6million.

(13) The unit of taxonomy is -

(A) Species.

(B) Cell.

(C) Gene.

(D) Sarcomere.

(14) The scientific name of human being is" Homo-sapiens  which one is species, of human being in its Taxonomical.   Name.

(A)Human .

(B) Homo .

(C) Homo sapiens (both).

(D) Only sapiens .

(15) The word systematics is derived from the Latinword

(A) Systematics .

(B) Systema .

(C) Systema Naturae .

(D)All of above .

(16) Characterization, identification ,classification, and nomenclature are process that comes under .


(B) Taxonomy .

(C) Biodiversity .

(D) Family .

(17) Which phylum do the Homo sapiens belongs to

 (A) Invertebrate .

 (B) Chordate .

 (C) Proto chordata .

  (D) Agnatha .

(18)What is the Botanical name of House fly.

 (A)Musca domestica.

 (B) Mangifera Indica

 (C) Panthera leo

 (D) Solanum tuberosum .

(19) The system of providing a name with 2 components is called..

 (A)Binomial nomenclature .

 (B) Nomenclature .

 (C) Taxonomy .

 (D) Classification .   .

(20)The first word in a biological nomenclature represents the .....

 (A) Genus .

 (B) Species.

 (C) Division .

 (D) Class .

(21) The second word in a biological nomenclature represents.........



(C)species epithet

(D)All of above .

(22)The species was described by the scientist .

(A) Carolus Linnaceus .

(B) Alexander Fleming.

(C) Aristotle .

(D) None of above .

(23)The first word denoting the genus start with .........

    letter .

(A) Numeric letter .

(B) Capital letter .

(C) Small letter .

(D) Roman letter .

(24)The species epithet start with ........ letter .

 (A) Capital .

 (B) Roman .

 (C) Hindi .

 (D) Small .

(25)The process by which anything is grouped into       convenient categories base on some easy observable character .

(A) Determination .

(B) Classification .

(C) Termination .

(D) All of above .

( 26 ) The taxonomical aid used for identification of plants and animal based on similarities and dissimilarities .

(A) Key stone species .

(B) Key .

(C) Classification .

(D) Nomenclature .

(27) Name the International botanical garden .

( A) Nehru Zoological Park .

(B) National Botanical research institute .

(C) Kew .

(D) Sanjay Gandhi biological Park .

(28) Animal which do not reproduce sexually .

(A) Mule .

(B) Man .

( C) Queen bees .

(D) All of above .

(29) Increase in body mass of living being indicate about .

(A)Growth .

(B) Reproduction .

(C) Repulsion .

(D) All of above .

(30) Living thing sense their environmental activity through there ....

(A) Leg .

(B) Hand .

(C)Sense organ .

(D) Hair .

(31) The periods affects reproduction in seasonal breeders both plant and animals.

(A) The dark Period .

(B) The Photoperiod .

(C) Neutral period .

(D) None of above

(32) The living animals fragmented organism regenerated the lost of its body parts and become a new organism.

(A) Birds .

(B)Fishes .

(C) Reptiles .

(D) Fungi .

(33) Biological name are generally in..........

( A) British language .

(B) French language .

(C) Spanish language .

(D) Latin language .

(34) In hierarchical arrangement in ascending order , above the family what comes...

(A) Order

(B) Genus .

(C) Species .

(D) Kingdom .

(35) In hierarchical ascending arrangement below kingdom What come.    

(A)Phylum .

(B) Division .

(C) Order .

(D) A and B both .

(36) Triticum aestivum belongs to which class .

(A) Insecta .

(B) Mammalia .

(C) Dicotyledon .

(D) Monocotyledon .

(37) Preservation of large animals and plants stuffed are    collected..

(A) Zoo.

(B) Park .

(C) Museum .

(D) .Key .

(38) The Biological name of Lion.

(A) Panthera leo .

(B) Musca domestica.

(C) Panthera tigris .

(D) Homo sapiens .

(39) The common Insects housefly belongs to order .

(A) Primates .

(B) Diptera .

(C) Poales .

(D) Insecta .

(40) The animals which belongs to family muscidae .

(A) Worker bee .

(B) Apis .

(C) Housefly .

( D) Grasshopper .    

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