Answer the questions listed below under part a - save your

Project Specification

Your task will be to first answer some questions testing your comprehension of the partial solution, and then to extend this partial solution to provide additional features:

1. Answer the questions listed below under Part A - save your answers into a Word document for submission along with remainder of your assignment.

2. Design your own unique game world, which must exhibit the following characteristics:
a. It should consist of between 10 and 20 interconnected locations (please don't exceed this limit as it will slow down the marking process)
b. All eight possible directions of movement (N, S, E, W, NE, SE, SW, NW) must be used at least once in the game map.
c. The world should contain 10 objects. At least one location must contain no objects, and at least one location must contain multiple objects.
d. Every location and object must have its own unique description.
e. There must be a specified ‘goal' location which the player is aiming to reach - this will be used later within Stage 6 of the project.
Your design should be clearly documented in the form of a world map and table of descriptions similar to the example provided on moodle.

3. Extend the menu and related code so that the player can also move in the ordinal directions (northeast, south-east, south-west, north-west)

4. Modify the program code and data so as to implement the game world designed in Stage 2.

5. Add a ‘quit' option to the menu, and modify the loop in the main() method so that it exits if the user enters this command.

6. Further modify the loop so that it exits and displays a suitable congratulatory message if the player reaches a specific ‘goal' location within the game-world.

7. Modify the room description method so that the player automatically picks up any objects in their current location. If the room description is redisplayed, those objects should no longer be listed as being in that location (hint: use a special value such as -1 to indicate that an object is in the player's possession).

8. Add an additional ‘inventory' command to the menu and implement a method which is called when this command is entered, which will list all of the objects currently in the player's possession.

9. Now that no further commands will be added to the menu, modify the menu code to ensure that a valid selection has been made by the player. If not, display an error message and prompt them to enter a new value. Repeat this until valid input is obtained.

10. This is the most advanced aspect of the project - do not attempt this unless you have all the other requirements working. Modify the program code so that the goal location cannot be entered unless the player is carrying a particular object (e.g. a key). If the player tries to enter the room without this object then an appropriate message should be displayed. For full marks for this section, your
solution should be easily applicable to other game worlds (for example worlds with multiple locked doors).

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Basic Computer Science: Answer the questions listed below under part a - save your
Reference No:- TGS01037065

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