Annotating the poem

Problem: The smell of roses is the most beautiful and calming smell ever. I fell in love with roses because of my Maw-Maw Rose. She is my great-grandmother, but to me, she is so much more. She passed away when I was eight years old, but it feels like I have known her so much longer than eight years. I remember visiting her all the time when I was younger, since we lived near each other. She was one of the sweetest ladies I have ever met. Just her present could calm people down, just like the smell of roses. My maw-maw had bottle of lotion that she always kept on the side of her recliner. That's why her skin was always so soft. There was a little rose of the top of the bottle. She would always give me some lotion, but I would also steal, well borrow, some of the lotion when she wasn't looking. I just loved that lotion, but mainly for the love of roses and my maw-maw. Across the street at my Maw-Maw Carol's house, there was a huge rose tree. It wasn't just a regular rose tree. These roses were wide and had a pinkish, orange color to them. The smell of the roses was so overwhelming and beautiful. I would always pick the roses and put them in a bowl of water. I would just sit on the counter and watch the roses float around with the smell rising above. So I have to say, I got the love of roses from my Maw-Maw Rose. Even though she probably never knew it. Every time I see or smell roses, I think of her and how much I miss her, but also of how much she taught me in the eight years I knew her. Ilove you Maw. Annotating this poem.

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English: Annotating the poem
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