
Annotated bibliography assignment dr. schwartz

Annotated Bibliography Assignment:

– Dr. Schwartz

For this assignment you will need to first come up with a topic and then conduct a literature search on the FIU Library Databases. You are to find 7 research articles related to your topic of choice for your literature review. These must come from peer reviewed psychology journals. An Annotated Bibliography will help you organize your research and easily refer back to your information. In order to annotate you will need to do the following:

1. A statement of your research topic (this needs to be listed only once at the top of the page)

2. The reference of each article you are summarizing (in perfect APA format)

3. A short summary of the source (between 250 – 300 words; do NOT exceed 300 words per annotation). Include the following information:

a. What is the research about?

b. What is the hypothesis of the research?

c. How did they conduct their research (describe the participant sample and research methods)?

d. What were the results? Was the hypothesis supported?

e. What are the author’s conclusions (i.e. what do they think of their research and any new directions for this line of research)?

YOU MUST FOLLOW THIS FORMAT FOR ALL 7 RESEARCH ARTICLES. Your bibliography must begin with the reference in APA format. Then you can follow the reference with the summary. You will do this format for all SEVEN articles – reference first then the summation of the article.

Points will be deducted for NOT using APA format for your references and for not addressing steps 1 through 3 noted above in a clear and concise fashion. Please remember that this is an opportunity for me to review the progress you have made on doing the background research for your literature review, on reading your articles, and for you to get a strong start on the literature review paper.

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Reference No:- TGS01437500

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