
Annotated bibliography


You should have received approval from your instructor for the direction you are taking in your project. Also, you should have conducted research, started note-taking and begun completing the points of your outline.

One important step is to identify the resources that you are required to use for the paper. These can be books, articles, personal interviews, company literature, and/or reliable website documents. Reliable websites would include corporate or business sites. Please note that Wikipedia is not a reliable site since it is viewer dependent for information. These sites will provide you with the ideas and quotations necessary to substantiate your thesis and outline.

For this phase of your project, create an annotated bibliography Word document that includes at least 7-10 resources. There should also be a short paragraph written about each resource and its importance to the overall project (this serves as the annotation portion). The Online Library includes more information on creating an annotated bibliography.

Submit this annotated bibliography to your instructor with citations in proper APA style. Later, after your instructor makes suggestions on the assignment, you will incorporate that feedback into your final project paper. Check your work for proper spelling, grammar, and mechanics.

Over the next several modules you should continue to develop your paper. Remember that the final written paper is due in Module 10.


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Business Management: Annotated bibliography
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