

Annotated Bibliography
Develop the Annotated Bibliography that you will use for the Final Week 6 Assignment. An annotated bibliography lists each article in APA format. It then identifies the information in the article relevant to your Week 6 Assignment. It summarizes that information, and it identifies how you will use the information. The instructions summarized below identify the information to cover for each type of article needed for the week 6 Assignment.

Two Leadership Articles: Find one article on each of two contemporary leadership models, relevant to ethical leadership from the following list of leadership models that demonstrate what you value. Reflect what leadership model would work in your environment: authentic leadership, ethical leadership, spiritual leadership, spirituality and leadership, servant leadership, and social intelligence. Select the articles from those published in the past five years. For each article, first describe the leadership model in a paragraph or two. Second, for each model provide at least one argument as to why they reflect what you value and why they will work in your environment.

Two Articles on Decision-Making Frameworks: Select two articles from the course readings, or research you decide to do, that provide decision-making frameworks and considerations when making right versus right, and right versus wrong decisions.
For each article, first describe the decision-making framework in a paragraph or two. Second, for each model provide at least one argument as to why they reflect what you value and why they will work in your environment.

Two Articles on Morals and Values: Select two articles from the course readings, or research you decide to do, that identify some of the values and morals you consider important when making right versus right, and right versus wrong decisions. For each article, summarize the values and morals identified and why they are important to you.

You will cover each article in 1-2 PowerPoint slides. Be sure to include an introductory and a reference slide. Your presentation should be 8-14 slides.

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