
Annotate article on recruiting new employee via social media

Assignment task:

For each assignment, you must read two articles from the field of HR that interest you. Then complete the annotated bibliography for each of the articles (make sure that you choose scholarly/peer-reviewed journal articles).

Your response must include three parts:

1. Research and select two articles from the Human Resources field for each assignment. Articles must be published no earlier than 2018.  Articles older than 2018 will not be accepted.

2. Include all bibliographic information needed for the reader to find the articles. Be sure to bold the bibliographic information to set it apart from the annotation. The annotation must be a minimum of 3/4 of a page long (not including the bibliographic information.)

3. Most importantly, you must be sure to provide at least a paragraph showing how the key points of the articles either have been or can be applied to the job you currently have.  This is probably the most important part of the assignment. (If you are not currently working, use a previous job or an organization to which you belong to show the application.)

Note:  If you choose to annotate an article on recruiting new employees via social media, show how it applies to your organization. If you choose an article on employee training, demonstrate how it applies to your organization.

The General section of this course contains an example for your reference. Note again that the bibliographic information must be in bold type set apart from the annotation.

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Other Management: Annotate article on recruiting new employee via social media
Reference No:- TGS03368726

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