
Annotate and evaluate their rhetorical effectiveness and

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The annotated bibliography is a useful tool for keeping track of your sources and evaluating their usefulness in your essay. Often professors request such bibliographies to measure the breadth and depth of your research and to see how well you are analyzing the sources. In this final project, of course, analyzing the publications is crucial to your rhetorical situation.


Select four (4) of your sources, preferably a range of periodicals and even a book (if possible).

Annotate and evaluate their rhetorical effectiveness and their usefulness in your essay.

Format each source according to APA guidelines.

Put the sources in alphabetical order as they would appear on the Works Cited or References page.
Beneath each entry write a paragraph that explains the relevance of this source. Further information is available

Title this assignment Annotated Bibliography.


You used at least four sources.

Each paragraph provides a concise overview of the respective source.

You linked the source to your purpose in some significant way in the second paragraph.

You used transitions between ideas in the same paragraph to create an effective flow.

You remained objective within each summary - you did not directly quote from the original source.

Language is concise and clear; word choice is appropriate. Writer's voice is distinct and well-expressed.

Writing is grammatically correct and free of typo.

correct format (APA)

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Dissertation: Annotate and evaluate their rhetorical effectiveness and
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