
Animal welfare and animal rights

Animal Welfare and Animal Rights Case .

Animal rights and welfare is not a boring topic at ALL. so do not feel like you drew the worst one. I am not just talking about PETA, there is factory farming, animal testing, whale and dolphin killing, seal clubbing and many other horrific things that can be discussed. Puppy mills, cosmetic tests and other things. In Thailand they skin dogs alive for their fur and eat their meat. It is (fair warning) difficult to watch.

You all choose the way you wish to go worth this one together. Each choose something different or you can choose a "Case" and present it. Anyway you see fit. All are responsible for their own part and graded only on their part, not the whole.

There is some information in your book to get you started in the back chapter.

Use the Internet to research any additional information you would like to develop your paper. The paper should be 7-10 pages and utilize APA formatting.

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Other Subject: Animal welfare and animal rights
Reference No:- TGS0815892

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