1. Andy went to the Flea Bag Hotel and approached his good friend John, who was the desk clerk of the hotel, with a plan for a fake robbery of the hotel safe. Andy was to come in late one night and point a gun at John, whereupon John would hand over the keys to the safe. On the appointed night, Andy showed up, walked up to John, pointed the gun, and said, "This is a stickup- hand over the keys to the safe." At the same time, some 10 feet away there stood a hotel guest whose watch was in the safe. John handed over the keys and Andy cleaned out the safe. Was a robbery committed? Why or why not? Explain your thoughts.
2. Smith intends to rob Brown. Smith knows Brown goes for a nightly walk. One night while Brown is out of his house, Smith hides in the bushes near the front door of the house. When Brown returns and puts his key in the door to unlock it, Smith springs from the bushes with a gun in his hand. Without a word, Smith pushes Brown through the partially open door and enters behind him. Smith proceeds to rob Brown of his valuables, which are worth an enormous sum of money. Has Smith committed burglary? Explain your thought process.