
Anbsp at 600 units of activity marginal benefit is rising

A:  At 600 units of activity, marginal benefit is (rising, constant, positive, negative) because the tangent line at D is sloping (downward, upward).

B: The marginal benefit of the 600th unit of activity is $_______.  Explain how this value of marginal benefit can be computed.

C:  At t00 units of activity, decreasing the activity by one unit causes total benefit to (increase, decrease) by $________.  At point D, total benefit changes at a rate _______ times as much as activity changes, and TB and A are moving in the (Same, opposite) direction, which means TB and A are (Directly, inversely) related.

D:  At 1,000 units of activity, marginal benefit is ________.  Why?

E:  The marginal cost of the 600th unit of activity is $________.  Explain how this value of marginal cost can be computed.

F:  At 600 units of activity, decreasing the activity by one unit causes total cost to (increase, decrease) by $________.  At point D, total cost changes at a rate ______times as much as activity changes, and TC and A are moving in the (same, opposite) direction, which means TC and A are (directly, inversely) related.

G:  Visually, the tangent line at point D appears to be (flatter, Steeper) than the tangent line at pint D, which means that (NB, TB, TC, MB, MC) is larger than (NB, TB, TC, MB, MC).

H:  Because point D lies above point D, (NB, TB, TC, MB, MC) is larger than (NB, TB, TC, MB, MC), which means that (NB, TB, TC, MB, MC) is (rising, falling, constant, positive, negative, zero).

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Business Management: Anbsp at 600 units of activity marginal benefit is rising
Reference No:- TGS02148009

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