
Anatomy and physiology of the heart


Anatomy and Physiology of the Heart

1.Which of the following statements about the left side of the heart is false?
o the left ventricle pumps blood into the systemic circulation
o deoxygenated blood returns to the left atrium
o the left sided heart failure results in fluid buildup in the lungs causing pulmonary edema
o the left ventricle pumps oxygenated blood
o a bicuspid valve or mitral valve is between the left atrium and the left ventricle

2.The chordae tendineae:
o closes the AV valves
o attaches the heart muscle to the mediastinum
o opens the semilunar valves
o are the major sites of coronary artery blockage
o prevents the AV valve flaps from everting or umbrella-ing into the atria

3.The valve between the right atrium and the right ventricle is called:
o bicuspid valve
o mitral valve
o left AV valve
o semilunar valve
o tricuspid valve

4.The serous membrane covering the inner surface of the heart and heart valves is the:
o endocardium
o serous pericardium
o visceral or serous pericardium
o parietal pericardium
o epicardium

5.Freshly oxygenated blood is first received by the:
o right ventricle
o vena cava
o pulmonary artery
o left ventricle
o right atrium

6.The myocardium receives its blood supply directly from:
o pulmonary arteries
o coronary arteries
o the carotid arteries
o aorta
o coronary sinus

7.The structure in the fetal heart that allows blood flow from the right atrium to the left atrium while the lungs develop prior to birth is the:
o interatrial septum
o foramen magnum
o ventricular septal defect
o foramen ovale
o fossa ovalis

8.The portion of the intrinsic cardiac conduction systemlocated in the interatrial septum is the:
o none of the above
o Purkinje fibers
o SA node
o AV node
o tricuspid node

9.The cells of the nodal conducting system of the heart send out impulses in the following order?
o SA node, internodal pathway, AV node, bundle branches, bundle of his, purkinji fibers
o SA node, internodal pathway, AV node, bundle of his, bundle branches, purkinji fibers
o SA node, AV node, bundle branches, bundle of his, purkinji fibers
o AV node, internodal pathway, SA node, bundle of his, bundle branches, purkingi fibers
o AV node, SA node, bundle of his, bundle branches purkinje fibers

10.Arterial blood pressure increases in response to:
o all of the above
o catecholamine release from the adrenal medulla
o increase in stroke volume
o increase in heart rate
o artheriosclerosis

11.If the connections between the vagus nerve and the heart are severed, the:
o heart will beat slower
o ventricular filling will increase
o heart will beat faster
o stroke volume will increase
o nodal fibers will depolarize more slowly

12.The autonomic extrinsic centers for cardiac function are located in the:
o SA node
o myocardial tissue of the heart
o adrenal medulla
o medulla oblongata
o AV node

13.In the heart, which one of the following applies?
o spontaneous depolarization of cardiac cells can occur in the absence of nerve stimulation due to pacemakers
o cardiac muscle can contract for long periods without oxygen due to pacemakers
o heart contractility is controlled only by extrinsic stimulation from the brain
o the AV node sets the pace or heart rate in a normal heart
o heart is controlled mainly by extrinsic endocrine stimulation and release of hormones

14.The P-wave of the EKG appears as the:
o ventricles depolarize
o atria depolarize
o ventricles repolarize
o atria fill
o ventricles contract

15.When the semilunar (aortic and pulmonic) valves are open, which of the following occurs?
o blood enters the aorta
o blood enters the pulmonary artery
o all of the above
o AV valves are closed
o ventricles are in systole

16.A uniqueness about the coronary artery blood flow is that:
o coronary artery blood flow occurs during ventricular diastole or venticular filling
o coronary artery contains venous unoxygenated blood being pumped to the lungs
o coronary artery contatins arterial unoxygenated blood returning to the right atrium
o coronary artery contains venous oxygenated blood returning to the left atrium
o coronary artery blood flow occurs during ventricular systole or ventricular emptying

17.During diastole, a chamber of the heart:
o contracts and pushes blood into the adjacent chamber
o experiences a sharp increase in volume pressure
o relaxes and fills with blood
o reaches a pressure of 120mmHG on the right side
o reaches a pressure of 8mmHG on the left side

18.Which occurs when a depolarization wave travels through the myocardium?
o decreased Na+ influx, increased Ca+ influx, increase K+ influx
o increased Na+ influx, decreased Ca+ influx, increase K+ influx
o increased Na+ influx, increased Ca+ influx, increase K+ efflux
o decreased Na+ influx, increased Ca+ influx, increase K+ efflux
o increased Na+ influx, increased Ca+ influx, increase K+ influx

19.Blood leaves the right ventricle into the pulmonary artery by passing through the:
o tricuspid valve
o aortic pulmonic valve
o pulmonic valve
o mitral valve
o right AV valve

20.The simple squamous epithelium and areolar connective tissue covering the heart valves and blood vessels is commonly called:
o mesothelium
o endothelium
o perithelium
o epithelium
o myothelium

21.During the cardiac cycle, the amount of blood ejected from the left ventricle each time the semilunar valve opens is:
o the cardiac output
o end-systolic volume
o end-diastolic volume
o the stroke volume
o three to five times greater in volume than the right ventricle

22.The great cardiac vein drains blood from the heart muscle into the:
o pulmonary artery
o left atrium
o right atrium
o left ventricle
o right ventricle

23.The sequence of depolarization of the heart chambers, as reflected by EKG, is/are?
o left atria, left ventricle, right atria, right ventricle
o both ventricles followed by both atria
o right atrium, right ventricle, left atria, left ventricle
o left ventricle followed by right ventricle
o both atria together, followed by both ventricles together

24.The fact that the left ventricle wall is thicker than the right ventricle wall reveals that it:
o pumps blood a greater distance and against greater resistance
o pumps blood to a lower pressure systemic system
o pumps blood a short distance to the lungs
o pumps blood through a smaller diameter valve
o pumps a greater volume of blood

25.An ECG or EKG provides information about:
o cardiac output
o all of the above
o valve impairment
o movement of an electrical excitation wave across the heart
o coronary circulation

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Biology: Anatomy and physiology of the heart
Reference No:- TGS01913890

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