Assignment Problem:
The Body Adiposity Index (BAI) is a method of estimating the amount of body fat in humans. The BAI is calculated without using body weight, unlike the body mass index (BMI). Instead, it uses the size of the hips compared to the person's height.
Body adiposity index classification ranges for men and women, as outlined by Gallagher et al., are shown in the table below.
Body Adiposity Index Classifications for Women
Age (years)
20 - 39
Less than 21%
21% to 33%
Greater than 33%
Greater than 39%
40 - 59
Less than 23%
23% to 35%
Greater than 35%
Greater than 41%
60 - 79
Less than 25%
25% to 38%
Greater than 38%
Greater than 43%
Body Adiposity Index Classifications for Men
Age (years)
20 - 39
Less than 8%
8% to 21%
Greater than 21%
Greater than 26%
40 - 59
Less than 11%
11% to 23%
Greater than 23%
Greater than 29%
60 - 79
Less than 13%
13% to 25%
Greater than 25%
Greater than 31%
The following equation is used to calculate the body adiposity index:
BAI = (HC / (HM)1.5) - 18
BAI = Body Adiposity Index
HM = Height in Metres
HC = Hip Circumference in Centimetres
Colombo O, Villani S, Pinelli G, Trentani C, Baldi M, Tomarchio O, Tagliabue A. To treat or not to treat: comparison of different criteria used to determine whether weight loss is to be recommended. Nutr J. 2008 Jan 29;7:5.
Gallagher D, Heymsfield SB, Heo M, Jebb SA, Murgatroyd PR, Sakamoto Y. Healthy percentage body fat ranges: an approach for developing guidelines based on body mass index. Am J Clin Nutr. 2000 Sep;72(3):694-701.
Scenario: You have been tasked with creating a programmed solution for a research team who are involved in analyzing the health statistics related to n respondents in a focus group. In statistics, n refers to the number in a trial or sample.
Your programmed solution should:
Calculate health-related statistics for respondents in various focus groups.
Demonstrate versatility by being capable of taking details for n respondents since focus group sizes are dynamic and may have a changing numbers of respondents. Therefore, it is important that your application does not initially prompt the end user by asking for a specific number of respondents since the n may not be known at the beginning of a focus group session.
Capture details for each respondent including height, hip circumference and age.
Determine the overall mean, mode, range for BAI, height, hip circumference and age, the number and percentage of the sample considered underweight, healthy, overweight and obese.
Show versatility by allowing respondents to enter data using metric or imperial standards: height, hip circumference: in metres (m), feet (ft) or inches (in).
Be robust enough to handle erroneous or invalid data and generate appropriate messages alerting the user by asking for re-entry of data in the correct format and range.
Other Requirements:
The program should start by displaying a welcome message explaining its purpose. Afterwards, it should display a message asking the end user if he/she would like to continue; if no is chosen, the program should terminate.
After data for each respondent is entered, the program should ask the end user if he/she would like to enter details for another respondent in the sample or provide a summary of the aggregated statistics.
After group statistics have been displayed, the program should allow restart of whole process.
Section 1: Decomposition, Planning and Design
1. Design your program based on the preceding scenario; these should:
a) include a minimum of three (3) submodules.
b) include a minimum of one (1) error-checking procedure.
2. Develop a Hierarchical Structure Chart depicting your overall design. An example layout is shown below:

3. Present your pseudocode and flowcharts, for both the main program and submodules (functions).
4. Develop a Data Dictionary. Use meaningful identifier names for variables and constants. You may use this table as a starting point:
Identifier Name
Variable / constant
Data Type
Local / Global
How Variable will be used
Section 2: Implementation
1. Develop your program using appropriate algorithms to manipulate data.
2. Ensure appropriate comments are included within your program to explain functionality.
3. Include programming code and corresponding annotated screenshots of programs in execution as evidence within your report.
Section 3: Testing and Analysis
Incorporate annotated screenshots as supporting evidence.
1. Utilise appropriate data to test error-checking procedures and modify the program as appropriate.
2. Discuss situations during the debugging process where you have identified and corrected syntax and logic errors.
3. Demonstrate that you have used an iterative testing process using appropriate data to ensure correct program functionality. Correct and modify programs where necessary.
4. Discuss programming decisions made throughout work and alternative paths considered.
You may use the following table to document this process:
Expected Outcome
Actual Outcome
Analysis of Result
Corrective Action
Section 4: Review
1. Discuss your own personal skills development throughout the project and self-management techniques and time management.
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