
Analyzing the financial performance of the firm


The Eddison Electronics Company (EEC) owns a wide variety of manufacturing companies that make sophisticated electronic controls. You are EEC's corporate business financial analyst. Your responsibilities include the following:

Creating and analyzing the monthly performance of each company within EEC.
Providing and analyzing costing information for each company within EEC.
Analyzing the major capital projects submitted by each company.

EEC has introduced a new 1.5GB computer memory chip. The following is the plan and first-year results of the 1.5GB chip project and the financial activity for 2006.

ASSIGNMENT: Using the Library and other course resources, find a manufacturing company's annual report.

Calculate the following ratios for the company selected:

Return on Assets
Return on Equity
Gross Profit Margin
Debt/Equity Ratio
Debt Ratio
Current Ratio
Quick Ratio
Inventory Turnover
Total Asset Turnover
Price Earnings Ratio

Using the calculated ratios, analyze the financial performance of the firm. In a memo to the CEO, explain the ratios calculated. Also address other methods of analyzing financial statements besides ratio analysis. Lastly, explain your analysis of the firm, making recommendations for improvements.

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Accounting Basics: Analyzing the financial performance of the firm
Reference No:- TGS01893072

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