
Analyzing the cartoon shoould pay careful attention to image


For this paper I am choosing the topic Overconfidence. That is the link that is in orange. I have already chose a topic.

For paper four go to the "Dr. Seuss Goes to War" collection and choose a cartoon to analyze:


You should think carefully about which cartoon to choose--if it deals with completely familiar material, say, Pearl Harbor, if won't leave much room for analysis.

In analyzing the cartoon you should pay careful attention to the image itself, the characters, their expressions, their interactions, the way the cartoon is drawn, the date of the cartoon.

While you should provide some historical background, it is not enough to just reproduce what I can read on Wikipedia. You need to make sure to ANALYZE, which means breaking the cartoon down into its constituent parts and seeing how they work together.

Your paper should be approx. 500 words and you must insert an image into your Microsoft Word document so I can see which image you are analyzing. The paper should be uploaded to Canvas.

You can find an example of an excellent model paper here:


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History: Analyzing the cartoon shoould pay careful attention to image
Reference No:- TGS02958289

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