
Analyzing technology effects on activism

For Humanity’s Sake: Analyzing Technology’s Effects on Activism, Civil Rights, and the Human Condition

Paper: Hvistendahl

Mara Hvistendahl’s “Missing: 163 Million Women” introduces its readers to a “mostly invisible” and “pervasive, yet quiet epidemic observed only by demographers” in which mass numbers of sex selective abortions have led to a startling lack of women, and surplus of men, in Asia (and elsewhere) (252). Malcolm Gladwell asserts in “Small Change” that real social change is only possible through “strong tie” connections. Examine Hvistendahl’s essay through the lens of Gladwell’s argument and write a thesis driven paper in which you determine the cause of this epidemic and the type of activism that would provide its solution.

Questions for Exploration:

What is the deepest root of this problem? What type of value is placed on women, nationally and globally? How do the ways women value themselves and each other play a role in this epidemic? How can the consequences of technological advances (in this case, ultra sound) be minimized? What role does religion and tradition play in this epidemic and why?


• Rough Drafts should be 3-4 pages long.  Bring 3 copies of your draft to class.

• Revised Drafts should be 5-6 (at least 1400 words) pages long.

• All papers should conform to proper MLA style.

• All drafts should be double-spaced, typed in 12pt Times New Roman font, printed, stapled, and proofread for error.  Your name should appear on the first page and in the header of every page along with the page number.

• Be sure to properly cite all Web or outside sources.

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