
Analyzing quasi-experimental research


Question 1. Descriptive research is the exploration and description of phenomena in real life situations. A research problem was identified as follows: Teenage girls have different perceptions of teenage pregnancy. A high school health education class is being designed by the school nurse. The nurse would like to know what the views of the girls are towards pregnancy. Write a descriptive research question based on this problem.

Question 2. Correlation studies are conducted to examine relationships between two or more variables in one group. The situation involves attitudes of high school girls in a health ed class towards contraception and pregnancy. Write a correlational research question relating to this situation.

Question 3. Quasi-experimental research is used to examine cause-and-effect relationships between selected independent and dependent variables. This situation involves a high school health educ program. There are two groups of students attending two types of health educ classes. Write a research question to determine differneces between the two groups on some outcome (dependent variable) that depends on the type of class (independent variable or treatment).

Your answer must be typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on all sides, APA format.

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Other Subject: Analyzing quasi-experimental research
Reference No:- TGS01906997

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