
Analyzing managerial decisions itunes music pricing- i

Analyzing Managerial Decisions: iTunes Music Pricing"

The iTunes case on pricing is an interesting case that has a lot of background and a lot of things to think about. Apple has pressure from the producers of the music to offer their music at a market price, this was not necessary the case when Apple had sort of a ‘monopoly' over the digital download music market. Given this change, Apple has to listen more to what the market feels the price of a song should be; therefore, as the songs recent demand increases, the price for that song should increase. I think that this is what we currently see today with most pricing policies on downloadable music, but the case asks you to really put some thought into how these pricing changes were actually implemented and why they were implemented.

SEE other Case1526

All assignments must be completed as Word documents. If you do not have Word you can use Microsoft WordPad and use the rich text format (.rtf extension)

•All assignments must be prepared in the APA format, including references.

•Cover page.Use a single cover page that contains the title of the assignment and your name

•Margins.All page margins should be the default margins for your word processing program. Use only the LEFT margin justification setting.

•Page numbering.Please use page numbering for all pages except the cover page.

•Spacing/Font.All papers should be single spacedonly (this includes spacing between paragraphs) and a 12 point font

•Direct quotes/ paraphrasing.Direct quotes and paraphrasing MUST be referenced and cited using APAguidelines. Although there is no limit on how many citations are in the paper, there is a limit of 15% for quotations and 25% for unoriginal wording for this course. When more than one quarter of a paper seems to be unoriginal, it usually indicates a problem. Even if sources are properly cited and some of the words are changed, it raises the question of how much original thinking went into the paper. There is a big difference between starting with a blank page and writing your own thoughts, and building the paper around quotes, paraphrased sources, and the altered wording of another author. You are encouraged to use textbook concepts as you attempt to explain in your own words the answers to the assignments rather than relying heavily on quoted material. Try to think about how you would explain your answer to someone who has not taken a managerial economics class. High scores on the originality report in Turnitin.com are not just a result of plagiarism; they can also result from an incorrect quotation/citation methodology or from using words that have been rearranged from your sources. If you use someone else's work you must cite and reference it appropriately.


. You must include a separate References page in APA format with each paper. Any source that is used to develop your paper must be included in this section.

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Microeconomics: Analyzing managerial decisions itunes music pricing- i
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