
Analyzing major descriptive statistics


In summary, the goals of the project are to:

1. Perform an exploratory data analysis by analyzing major descriptive statistics of the selected preliminary independent variables, their individual impact on the sale price, and how these variables are related to each other.

2. Describe the proposed or your own method for reducing the number of neighborhoods.

3. Build a model that can be used to predict the sale prices that is complex enough to be useful (at least 90% in ) but that is simple enough to be interpretable.

4. Among your preliminary independent variables, identify useful predictors by e.g. Backward Elimination in Variable Selection of Multiple Linear Regression in Predict of XLMiner.

5. Using your final regression model, answer the reporter question by providing a single answer in dollars together with details of its calculations.

6. Convey the results of the analysis in writing in such a way that the technical details are clear, and readability and interpretability are maintained.

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Basic Statistics: Analyzing major descriptive statistics
Reference No:- TGS01955793

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