
Analyzing literature from a variety of literary periods

Freshman Composition: Diagnostic Essay on Literary Background

In this course, we will be studying and analyzing literature from a variety of literary periods representing the genres of poetry, drama, and the short slot

In a 2-3 page essay, please address each of the three prompts below.

(1) Discuss your background in literary analysis (personal reading, high school, community college. university etc.) and the knowledge you expect to acquire in this course.

(2I Discuss how literature challenges you to think critically about yourself and various aspects of the world (socially. culturally, and aesthetically), as well as s kw the world through different lens. based composition course will improve current or prospective major, as well. as your writing and analytical skills in Other courses across the curriculum.

This essay should exhibit standard essay format (introductory paragraph and thesis statement, body paragraphs, and conclusion)

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Term Paper: Analyzing literature from a variety of literary periods
Reference No:- TGS02168074

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