
Analyzing conditions of participation


Go to https:// www.cms.hhs.gov and find the Conditions of Participation. Read the Conditions of Participation and discuss the standards listed.

In your initial response, answer the following questions.

Q1. Are there any specific actions or elements that you think are missing?

Q2. Locate and review the Comprehensive Error Rate Testing results in your state. Look through the list of elements studied by this evaluation of claims payments.
a. What surprises you most?
b. Are there any additional areas that you believe should be measured?
c. Had the facility been evaluated by a CERT, what would you do to improve performance?
3. Identify the fiscal intermediary in your state and go to their website.
a. What information is there that would help you with writing a compliance program?
b. What details can you find relating to:
c. Medicare claims processing
d. Medicaid claims processing
4. Research the details of the federal False Claims Act.
a. What aspects of this law do you believe to be most important?

Your answer must be typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on all sides, APA format.

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Other Subject: Analyzing conditions of participation
Reference No:- TGS01900326

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