
Analyzing a social scientific study


Introduction to Sociology

Writing Assignment: Obedience or Simulated Prison

In class, we have been exploring two major building blocks of sociology: research methodology/the science of sociology and the impact of groups and collectivities on our behavior. For this assignment you will bring these two topics together, analyzing a social scientific study that sheds light on the power of groups and authority figures. After having read about/watched a clip discussing a social scientific study, you will complete an assignment in which you discuss some components of the research.

1. Choose either of the following two options for this assignment:

Option 1: Stanley Milgram "Obedience" Study (A summary of the study on YouTube).

Option 2: Zimbardo's Stanford Prison Study (for an explanation with text and pictures, click on "the story" link at the bottom of the home page).

2. Become familiar with the experiment of your choice.

3. Write a hypothetical dialogue between Dr. Stanley Milgram/Dr. Zimbardo and you. Those two scientists designed and conducted the "Obedience" experiment and the "Simulated Prison" experiment" respectively.

4. In the dialogue, provide your critique of the experiment. Then, think how Dr. Milgram/Dr. Zimbardo would justify their experiment. Summarizing the experiment is not your task.

Tips to write:

1. Your questions for Dr. Milgram/Dr. Zimbardo should be related.

2. Why did Dr. Milgram/Dr. Zimbardo come up with conducting their experiment?

3. Ask methodological questions.

4. Are there any research ethical issues? If so, how would Dr. Milgram/Dr. Zimbardo justify what they did?

5. What methodological flaws/problems do you find in the experiment? If you do a similar experiment today, do you think that the result would be any different?

6. Read and ask questions that connect human behaviors and the experiment.

7. You must use at least two concepts/theories from, in total at least four concept/theories. Be sure that these concept are relevant to the study's findings and that you show you understand the concept/theory in your writing. You must bold and/or underline the concepts/theories that you use or else it will not be counted.

8. You do not need to cover every aspect of the experiment. It is all right to focus on a few aspects.



1. About 2 to 3 double-spaced pages.

2. You do not need to write greetings such as "Hello, Dr. Milgram. It's my pleasure to interview you." Just jump into your question!

3. It is all right to get ideas from the internet. Since both are well known experiments, you will find plenty of information on the internet. However, you do need to cite the source. If you use other's idea(s) without citation, it is a form of plagiarism. According to the Montgomery College student code of conduct, the minimum sanction is an F on the assignment and the maximum sanction is an F for the course.

For help with citation procedures, please check out some of these websites:

4. If you are not clear about the format or the content, just ask the instructor.

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Reference No:- TGS01900251

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