
Analyzing a performance of concert


Your paper will analyze a performance of concert (classical music), world music, or jazz. The following guiding questions are meant to help you in approaching writing about your experience. Your paper will not address these questions specifically, but your consideration of these questions will guide you in putting together an insightful analysis of your experience.

a. In what ways do the works embody (or reject) the predominant characteristics of the genre?

b. Is the work a creation of the performance artist? If not, how does the performance artist interpret the works?

c. What is the significance of the works?

Your concert analysis paper is due at the end of Module Seven. Plan early and make arrangements so that you can attend your performance of choice.


You will strategically organize your paper to put together an analysis of your concert experience and present:

A Concise Introduction:

This introduction will identify the group or artist, genre (styles of music) performed, time and location of the performance, (large or small, whether or not people were engaged by the musical performance, demographics, etc.), and the titles of the specific pieces from the concert that you will discuss in depth, as well as their importance in the genre.

An Organized Body:

The body of your paper will follow the introduction with a musical discussion of the selected pieces. You do not have to discuss every piece within a given concert; select three selections to highlight. However, your selections should include the most relevant music for each piece. Your body paragraphs will specifically explore and explain elements of the music and how these elements are collectively used to express the main ideas or emotions associated with the works.

A Unifying Conclusion:

This is where you pull it all together. Your conclusion should identify whether you personally found the performance experience enjoyable (why or why not). Include whether the concert venue itself enhanced or detracted from your musical experience. Compare and contrast your experience with that of the other audience members you identified in your introduction.


Your Concert Report Analysis Paper should be a minimum of 2 to 3 pages, double spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins (not including cover page or resources) and the group or artist is properly cited in APA or MLA format.

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Other Subject: Analyzing a performance of concert
Reference No:- TGS0672947

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