Logistics and Culture
Case Assignment
Many studies have examined the effect of culture on specific industries and activities; for example, Hooker (2008) analyzes the effects of culture on business communication, while Salacuse (2005) examines the way culture can affect business negotiation. Krishnan et al. (n.d.) discuss culture in the context of one specific logistical problem, which is the hiring a third-party logistics firm. (If you were Amazon, sending
a book to a customer, then the "third party" would be either FedEx, UPS, or the USPS.)
For this Case, you're asked to cast the net wider. Based upon your detailed understanding of both logistics and culture, and with the support of judiciously chosen sources, write an essay answering the following question: Which cultural factors have the greatest effect upon the operations of an international logistics firm?
Why those? Why would the others factors have lesser effects? Explain in detail.
Assignment Expectations
Write a well-constructed essay. Feel free to use tables and bulleted lists, if appropriate.
The readings may not provide specific answers. In that event, will need to "fill in the gaps," using your understanding of the material
presented in the Module, and the background sources.
Style and format must comply with the Writing Style Guide. (TUI Guide, n.d.) This is not an English course; however, errors in spelling,
grammar and style will be penalized.
Provide citations and references. Use of APA style is encouraged, but not required. Please see the TUI Writing Guide, or visit the Purdue
Online Writing Lab (OWL, 2015).
There is no page requirement. Write what you need to write, neither more nor less.