
Analyzes data about health status quality of life and risk


The MAPP process includes six steps (NACCHO 2010):

1. Organizing for Success: This step involves organizing the planning process and developing partnerships.

2. Visioning: The visioning step engages stakeholders in a collaborative, creative process of developing a shared community vision with common values.

3. Conducting Community Assessments: Four community assessments provide information about internal and external environmental trends relevant to the community:

• Community Themes and Strengths Assessment: Identifies local community interests, perceptions about quality of life, and assets.
• Local Public Health System Assessment: Appraises the capacity of the local public health system to conduct essential public health services.
• Community Health Status Assessment: Analyzes data about health status, quality of life, and risk factors.
• Forces of Change Assessment: Identifies changing external forces and dynamics of the community and the local public health system.

4. Identifying Strategic Issues: Similar to the "identification and evaluation of major strategic issues and options" step in the planning model presented earlier, in this step, participants develop a prioritized list of the most important issues facing the community based on the results of the four MAPP assessments and the shared community vision.

5. Formulating Goals and Strategies: In this step, participants take the strategic issues identified in the previous phase and formulate goal statements and broad strategies for addressing issues, resulting in the development and adoption of an interrelated set of strategy statements.

6. Action Cycle: In this final step, the local public health system develops and implements an action plan for addressing priority goals and objectives. The plans are implemented and evaluated, with ensuing adjustments in the earlier steps as necessary. The final step in the MAPP process is similar to operations planning and implementation in an organization.

Jr., L. Fleming F. Managing Health Organizations for Quality and Performance. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 20120224. VitalBook file.

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Dissertation: Analyzes data about health status quality of life and risk
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