
Analyzes a current domestic or foreign political issue



Respond to the following question in an organized, 500-word essay and submit your essay to the Submissions Area.

Possible Site Trips

• You will find the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, other U.S. Founding Documents, as well as other important compacts.
• This site includes some good links for U.S. Government and Politics.

Question for the essay:

What are the characteristics of American democracy? How does American democracy differ from the theory of democratic government?


Respond to the following question in an organized, 500-word essay:

Questions for the essay:

The Internet has become the greatest library ever. With the good comes the bad, however. In particular, some concerned citizens are worried that children can too easily access websites containing inappropriate material such as pornography or racial propaganda. Several solutions to this perceived problem have emerged. One is indirect censorship through federal or state laws that criminalize the transmission of pornographic material online. Another possibility is federal or state laws requiring the use of so-called filtering programs when children are involved. In either case, the battle lines are drawn. Civil libertarian groups and other free speech advocates want no censorship. Concerned parent groups think differently. How do you feel about this issue? Why? Defend your position using concrete examples.

Possible Site Trips:

The Council of State Governments is a good source for information on state responses to federalism issues.


Explain the differences between Liberalism and Conservatism. Does ideology really make a difference in the United States today? Support your reasoning with examples. How does this impact American culture, government and politics in your opinion? You will be expected to support your discussion with primary texts and from pre-approved secondary sources (including, but not limited to, the course text, online lectures, and a list of suggested online resources). Your paper should be 6-8 pages in length and include proper APA citation. You should utilize information provided from each week of the course thus far to complete your essay.


Respond the essay question in an organized, 500-word essay

Question for the essay:

Many people feel that there is room for improvement in the area of campaign finance spending. What is the current status of campaign finance reform? Is reform a realistic expectation of the American political process? What is the role of soft money? Should there be limits on independent campaign spending by corporations and labor unions? Why? Why not? Be specific. Provide concrete examples.

Possible Site Trips

• For detailed information about current campaign election laws and for the latest filings of campaign finance reports. This site has lots of good information.

• To find excellent reports on where campaign money comes from and how it is spent, be sure to view the site maintained by the Center for Responsive politics.

• Another excellent site for investigating voting records and campaign-finance information is that of Project VoteSmart.

ASSIGNMENT 5: Current Events Research Paper

Draft a paper that critically analyzes a current, domestic or foreign political issue of importance to the United States. Students will (1) identify a current political event to analyze; (2) research and summarize the different approaches to understanding the political issue selected; (3) provide a clear, personal analysis of the issue and an explanation of the core values and assumptions that informs their analysis. The student will be expected to support their discussion with primary texts and pre-approved secondary sources (including, but not limited to the course text, online lectures, and a list of suggested online resources). Your paper should be 6-8 pages in length and include proper APA citation. Remember, you should utilize information provided from each week of the course to complete your essay.

Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

1. The answer should be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

2. The response also include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

3. Also Include a reference page. The Citations and references should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.


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