
Analyze your primary conflict management style


Conflict Management

(Interpersonal Conflict) and Lectures: Conflict

1. Analyze your primary conflict management style (competitive, accommodation, avoidance/withdrawal, compromise, collaboration). What makes you think this is your primary style? Is it the same or different than your Partner's primary style? In what ways do your conflict management styles hamper effective communication with your Partner? Or enhance?

2. Describe a conflict as seen in the movie Nell (1994). Which characters were in conflict? How did the characters resolve their conflict? Would you have done anything differently?

3. Describe a pseudo conflict that you and your Partner have experienced. What was the real cause of the pseudo conflict? How did you determine that it was pseudo (and not real) conflict?

4. Think of a conflict situation that you had with your Partner where you were not satisfied with your behavior during the interaction. In hindsight, what would you have done differently and why?

5. Think of a recent communication exchange with your Partner that began as a seemingly casual conversation but escalated into a conflict. Can you identify a reason for this (emotional condition, difference in values, etc.)? Is there anything you could have done to avoid the conflict? What cues might you each have looked for to understand the other's mood?

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Microeconomics: Analyze your primary conflict management style
Reference No:- TGS01808617

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