Analyze your own communication patterns

Assignment Task:

Formative Assessment:

1. One of the most powerful lessons you can have is watching yourself speak in front of a class or in a Zoom meeting. The skill of self-reflection is powerful.

2. For this assessment, please record yourself in a meeting, conversation, lesson, or some other type of communication situation. This does not have to be staged; it can simply be a conversation you have with another person where you request permission to record.

3. Analyze your own communication patterns:

  • Were you fully present?
  • Were you comfortable in silence?
  • Did you exhibit any skills that made the other person more engaged?

Document Type/Template:

  • Please upload your video recording and submit your reflection in a separate document.
  • Your reflection of the conversation should be 1-2 pages in length.

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Other Subject: Analyze your own communication patterns
Reference No:- TGS03438829

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