Analyze your organization in light of human resource frame

Discussion Post

• Construct your own one to three sentence definition of culture. After completing this week's reading, and after doing some research on the web, post your definition of culture. Ideally, your definition will be broad enough to include macro-cultures (such as a region of the world) or a micro-culture (such as a particular department within an organization). After posting your definition, include one or two paragraphs that document your thought process. In other words, how did you come to this definition and why? What elements did you include and why?

• After reading the assigned chapters from Bolman and Deal, analyze your own organization in light of the structural frame, paying particular attention to the assumptions of this frame.

• Using categories from Bolman and Deal, name and describe a well-known organization that exemplifies the positive aspects of the structural frame. And/or, in what ways has the emphasis on structure had negative effects?

• In light of this reading in Schein, summarize your organization's culture using at least four categories from the readings. Address some of the more obvious assumptions and the deeper cultural assumptions.

• After reading the assigned chapters from Bolman and Deal, analyze your own organization in light of the human resource frame, paying particular attention to the assumptions of this frame.

• Use the Internet to research a well-known corporation or organization that you do not work for. Using Schein's three-level model of organizational culture, and after paying particular attention to the organization's artifacts (i.e. external manifestations of culture), what can you infer about the organization's beliefs and values, and possible underlying assumptions?

• In light of your reading of Grenny et al., discuss at least two concepts that you found particularly insightful and/or useful in an organizational setting. After listing a concept (via a quotation and/or paraphrase), explain and/or illustrate the concept in more detail and, more importantly, discuss its relevancy in one or more of your past or present organizational settings using concrete examples.

• After reading Schein, which categories are most useful for understanding your organization's culture and why?

Do you see evidence of multiple cultures within your organization? Why or why not?

Discussion 9:

• In light of this readings in Bolman and Deal, how do we know what political dynamics are healthy and productive, and which are unhealthy and unproductive? What principles should we use to discriminate?

Discussion 10:

Respond to the following: "There is no right or wrong culture. There are no right or wrong manifestations of culture. Culture is what it is. It is a-moral--without morality." Do you agree or disagree? Why? Give examples where appropriate--both from the cultures of foreign countries and of contemporary organizations.

Discussion 11:

In light of your reading of Grenny et al. (Chapters 4 and 5), discuss at least two concepts that you found particularly insightful and/or useful in an organizational setting. After listing a concept (via a quotation and/or paraphrase), explain and/or illustrate the concept in more detail and, more importantly, discuss its relevancy in one or more of your past or present organizational settings using concrete examples.

The response must include a reference list. One-inch margins, double-space, Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font and APA style of writing and citations.

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