
Analyze your media analysis project

Media Analysis Project (MAP)

This week, you were introduced to six analytical perspectives for analyzing media. These perspectives form the foundation for your Media Analysis Project (MAP). Over the next three weeks, you will analyze a visual work from any media (print, film, television, Internet), of your own choosing

Your analysis must encompass all six perspectives. This will be a detailed analysis consisting of 6-8 written pages. You must also use four credible academic sources in addition to the media itself. All sources must be cited in-text as well as on a reference page using standard APA format. Information on using APA is available on the Online Library which is accessible through the Resources tab. Your final paper must include proper mechanics (clear, concise, and complete sentences and paragraphs), proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Part I

Choose a specific visual work to analyze for your Media Analysis Project (MAP). Your project can be on any media; print, photography, television, film, the Internet, etc. You will explore this topic in detail by using the six perspectives. Choose something in which you have a personal interest. If you choose television, feel free to focus on a specific series (not just one episode). If you choose the Internet, focus on a particular website.

You must obtain instructor approval on your topic. Submit your topic as a one paragraph written proposal. Explain not just what your topic is, but also why you chose it.

Part II

Last week you selected a topic and began conducting research for your Media Analysis Project. Now it is time to use that research to formalize your thesis and create an outline for you paper. If you put in a good effort here, the act of actually writing the paper will be much easier.

Even though this paper is an analysis using a specific approach, it needs to have a thesis. This thesis should frame the way you choose to approach the six perspectives. Click the link below for an example

Part III

Now it is time to submit a final version of your paper. For complete details on the Media Analysis Project please see the Media Analysis Project - Introduction page in Week 03.

Double-check it one last time for proper mechanics (clear, concise, and complete sentences and paragraphs), proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Make sure that in addition to the 6-8 pages of text that you include a properly formatted references page with all sources cited in APA format

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