
Analyze your level of trust in the salesperson


You will act as a potential buyer of some good or service which requires personal selling by a commissioned salesperson. The purchase of this offering would normally require analysis of alternatives on the market, at least moderate learning or installation, and would typically some level of follow up by the salesperson. In general, this will be a large scale appliance (e.g., washer/dryer or refrigerator), automobile, newly built home, home theatre consisting of multiple components, top line golf clubs at a golf shop, wedding dress, garden tractor, jewelry (not at a mall), etc. You will need to develop a reasonable story before entering the store as to why you are considering the purchase, and any objections that might occur in the mind of a normal prospect. In many ways, this would be very similar to a secret shopping assignment.

a. Select a provider that you have not done business with before.

i. If you meet with salespeople as part of your job, you may use one of those interactions providing you have never met the salesperson before this assignment and that you are a legitimate prospect for the offering.

ii. You are allowed to use an actual offering you purchased or are considering purchasing providing it occurs during this course and providing that you have never met the salesperson involved in the transaction prior to meeting in which you evaluated the interaction for this assignment.

iii. You may not use an interaction from your past and attempt to recall from memory how the salesperson interacted with you. This assignment must be done during this course.

iv. You may ask the instructor if the provider you are considering using fits the criteria.

b. Enter the place of business like a regular customer.

c. Allow a salesperson to approach you and begin a conversation, expressing moderate interest in the product you are considering.

d. Answer his or her questions as a normal customer would; do not be too informed or too uninformed about the product as you want to observe how the salesperson determines your wants and needs.

e. Take mental notes of the approach, rapport building techniques, key questions asked, and any attempts to get you to make a decision.

i. You may be able to take a few shorthand notes as it would not be out of place to carry a small notebook during the purchase of a large durable good.

ii. Analyze how the salesperson responded to your communications style, sense of urgency, and level of familiarity with the offering.

iii. Analyze the questions asked to determine your wants, needs, and urgency.

iv. Analyze your level of trust in the salesperson and why that level of trust was developed for this salesperson.

f. Out of respect for a commission salesperson, you should make every effort to conduct this exercise outside of peak selling hours.

g. A minimum 750 word paper describing the experience and learning

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Marketing Management: Analyze your level of trust in the salesperson
Reference No:- TGS01779003

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