
Analyze your data using quickcalcs

Assignment task: Analyze your data using QuickCalcs like you did early in the semester.

You wrote a testable hypothesis and then collected data in the field. Your next step is:

  • Seeking the p-value to determine whether there is a significant difference between your two sets of data replicates.
  • You can access the original lesson for Using Statistics to Accept/Reject Hypotheses here.
  • Enter your data and screen shot the results for submission
  • Graph your results
  • Once you have your statistical results that includes the means and standard deviations, you will graph your data.
  • Produce a histogram of the means
  • Write a Figure 1 summary of what the graph is demonstrating
  • Include the p-value and the standard deviations of each mean



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Other Subject: Analyze your data using quickcalcs
Reference No:- TGS03415868

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