
Analyze whether tsca should regulate genetically engineered

Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)

1. Analyze whether TSCA should regulate genetically engineered (or modified) organisms. If so, which ones? If not, why not? (You should use the Ashford Online Library to locate at least one scholarly article to support your position.) What burdens exist for businesses that must comply with TSCA? Be sure to consider regulatory requirements under TSCA including premanufacture notice, the TSCA Inventory, the distinction between "new chemicals" and "existing chemicals," and the term "significant new uses." Respond to at least two of your fellow students' postings.

FIFRA & Labeling

2. Explain whether substances should be classified as pesticides under FIFRA based on claims made about them and their "intended use." What are the benefits and drawbacks to businesses that produce substances that could be used as a pesticide in claiming that the intended use is that of a pesticide? What risks to society are there in relying upon "intended use" claims?

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Business Management: Analyze whether tsca should regulate genetically engineered
Reference No:- TGS01031008

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