
Analyze three of the punishments that corporations undergo


Summarize three of the ethical theories of Business Ethics. Explain how people running businesses would construct their companies if they utilized these ethical theories. For example, you might personally think that people should act to increase the overall happiness for the greatest number of people (utilitarianism). You would explain utilitarianism and then explain how a company based in utilitarian ethics would function. In other words:

What products would they make?
How would they treat their employees? How would they treat their customers?
How would they manufacture their products?
How would they utilize their resources and profits were they to become successful?


Analyze three of the punishments that corporations undergo when they have acted unethically (i.e., name them, define them, explain what they are). In addition, explain three threats to running an ethical corporation. Finally, from your own perspective, explain whether or not a corporation should have to function by the same codes of morality that individual people in society have to abide by or if they should be allowed to get away with certain actions that people in society cannot get away with.

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Reference No:- TGS01102087

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