
Analyze their business needs and determine how they could

Assignment : Create a WordPress Blog and Presentation

Description of LASA:

WordPress is a publishing platform and content management system that makes it easy for anyone to publish web pages online. WordPress proudly powers millions of websites.

In addition to WordPress, there is a counterpart option at WordPress which gives you more control over your blog or website.

For this assignment, you will gain experience with WordPress by analyzing the needs of an organization. In addition to your blog, you will create a PowerPoint presentation of approximately 2-3 slides summarizing how the blog met your organization's needs.


Part I: Create a Blog

Choose an organization with which you have familiarity (e.g., a past or present employer). Analyze their business needs and determine how they could most effectively use and benefit from a WordPress Blog. What is their purpose in using a blog?

Sign up for a basic WordPress account.

Type in your e-mail address.

Determine your username and password.

Select your blog URL.

Activate your blog by clicking on the link sent to you in an e-mail from WordPress.com verifying your account information.

Create your blog to addresses your organization's business needs.

Create your blog title.

Determine a tagline.

Identify the preferred language.

Choose a theme and customize it to best reflect their business needs.

Choose one of the free themes.

Create a 1-page descriptive post about their business, industry, products, and/or services. Be sure your post includes at least:

One picture (.jpg or .png).

One embedded video from the Argosy University YouTube channel:

One link to an "About Us" page.

Create a 1-page descriptive "About Us" page regarding the business. Be sure your page includes at least:

One picture (.jpg or .png).

One embedded video from the Argosy University YouTube channel:

Explore the dashboard of your blog and familiarize yourself with the remaining features and functions. If you need technical assistance using WordPress, please refer to the website's help functions or ask your instructor for assistance.

Part II: Create a Presentation

Create a PowerPoint presentation of approximately 2-3 slides (with detailed speaker's notes) that:

Summarize highlights of the organization selected and the blog you created. Indicate your blog's URL (i.e., yourblog.wordpress.com).

Analyze and explain how your blog meets the organization's needs.

Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of WordPress.com as a web authoring platform.

Your final deliverable will be a blog and a PowerPoint presentation of approximately 2-3 slides (including detailed speaker's notes). Utilize at least 3 scholarly/professional sources (beyond your textbook) in your research.

Your presentation should be written in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

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HR Management: Analyze their business needs and determine how they could
Reference No:- TGS02407416

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