
Analyze the use of figurative language in asong develop

Essay: Literary Analysis


For this exam, the studentwill

¦ Use the writing process to draft and revise anessay

¦ Write an effective thesisstatement

¦ Develop paragraphs using topic sentences, adequate detail, supporting evidence, andtransitions

¦ Identify, define, and analyze literary elements

¦ Use responsible research methods to locate appropriate secondarysources

¦ Use Modern Language Association citation and docu- mentation style to reference secondary source material correctly andappropriately

¦ Quote, paraphrase, and summarize secondary source material correctly andappropriately

¦ Use the conventions of standard written American English to produce correct, well-writtenessays

For this assignment, you'll use the outline or graphic organ- izer you created in the prewriting assignment to create a full analysis of figurative language in a song of yourchoice.

Topic: Analyze the use of figurative language in asong

¦ You'll develop your essay from the outline or graphic organizer you wrote for your previous assignment. Don't switch your topic; use your instructor's feedback to refine your ideas and to write youressay.

Purpose: To write a 1,200-1,500 word essay that analyzes the figurative language and literary devices in a song to show how those elements contribute to the song's appeal to its audience

Audience: Junior and senior-level distance education stu- dents enrolled at Penn FosterCollege



1. You've received feedback on your prewriting assignment that should help you to develop your essay. Review your outline or graphic organizer to ensure that you under- stand the instructor's comments andrecommendations.

2. Reread

a. Chapter 7, Drafting an Essay

b. Chapter 8, Writing Effective Paragraphs

3. As you begin to draft the ideas you included in your out- line or graphic organizer, follow the guidelines for writing your

a. Title (pages151-152)
b. Introduction (pages147-150)
c. Conclusion (pages150-151)

4. The content of each paragraph should be confined to the information introduced in the topic sentence and should develop that topic logically based on the plan you provided in your outline or graphicorganizer.

5. Review Chapter 24 on incorporating research into your essay. Be sureto

a. introduce borrowedcontent
b. properly punctuatequotations
c. provide in-text, or parenthetical, citations for sec- ondary sources in MLAformat
d. use MLA format for your list of workscited


1. Review Chapter 9 on "Revising Your Content and Organization."
2. Use the checklist on page 179 to check your essay and revise the elements to which you answered"no."
3. Use the checklist on page 181 to check to your para- graphs to ensure that they are logically developed and organized effectively. Revise the elements to which you answered"no."

Consider using the Smarthinking tutoring service to review your essay. A tutor will provide feedback that you can use to revise your essay before you submit for a grade. To learn how to use the Smarthinking Writing Center, watch this video: https://community.pennfoster.edu/docs/DOC-62283.

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Other Subject: Analyze the use of figurative language in asong develop
Reference No:- TGS01392384

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