
Analyze the underlying social psychological and cultural

Analyze the underlying social, psychological, and cultural forces that impact safety and security considerations in public sector human resource management.

The best action to avoid the unproductivity of an employee or engaging in the disciplinary process is to avoid hiring such an employee in the first place. The fact is we seldom get that chance in government. Many times placements are conducted out of need and funding might require mass hirings. Such has been the case throughout the history of government. Managers find that they do not have time to baby sit employees. Time is limited and human resources are often over extended. It is often difficult to follow the unproductive employee from stage to stage as the employee violates the code of conduct. It is a drain on time, energy, and emotional capital. Many have been successful placing unproductive or problem employees on what is known as a turkey farm or in travel status to get them out and away from the working organization. The turkey farm is simply a term used to describe an assignment that offers little opportunity for the employee to create much substantive damage to the organization until such time that the agency can find what to do with them. Travel and training status is also valuable, but it does drain organizational resources. Most managers admit that they would far more favor terminating an ineffective employee as early as possible rather than follow a disciplinary track that will ultimately end in termination. Some managers have had success in helping employees to leave the organization to serve some other workplace perhaps more suitable. This has been done by working with Labor and Employee Relations to coordinate the employee's positive exit. It is important that in most governments such action is not possible without careful skill and planning. Many organizations seek to follow the hot stove rule. They look to provide a warning "heat" and then burn indiscriminately without prejudice or favor. This places added emphasis on the need for following a progressive disciplinary track. A key requirement in all actions for both human resources and managers is documentation. Let's look at the following case study for analysis and determine the steps we will take.

The Rotten Apple: A Case Study

Pretend an individual has engaged in a series of behaviors that has placed the organization at risk. Use the list below and evaluate the best approach in responding to each of the following behaviors.

Describe the discipline track you would use to correct this employee's behavior and produce a paper describing your actions in dealing with the given situations. Please identify the issues you believe that place the safety and security of the institution in jeopardy. Explain how a series of behaviors might result in successive discipline demonstrating the hot stove rule and concept of demonstrating warning, and burning (punishment) indiscriminately (without favor).

  1. Coming to work late
  2. Failure to respect safety rules
  3. Sexual Harassment
  4. Playing a practical Joke on the Supervisor
  5. Using derogatory and racial slurs in communicating with coworkers
  6. Falsifying leave reports
  7. Using the government credit card to fill the employee personal vehicle
  8. Stealing from a fellow employee
  9. Using a fellow employees computer password to sign on to the office computer
  10. Accepting a bribe
  11. Threatening the life of a co-worker
  12. Failing to wear proper attire

You will be looking at the following choices for actions:

  1. Termination
  2. Letter of reprimand
  3. Verbal Counseling
  4. Administrative Leave (without pay)
  5. Administrative leave (with pay)
  6. Sensitivity training
  7. Reassignment

Please describe what redress of grievance procedure the employee might have in responding to the actions of the organization. Follow all APA guidelines, subheadings, page numbers, abstract and use at least 3-5 peer reviewed references and utilize citations.

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Finance Basics: Analyze the underlying social psychological and cultural
Reference No:- TGS0991826

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