
Analyze the theme of the story black mirror what is the


- deeper message in the story
- easy grammar and easy spelling. (english 1 level)
- Intro
- 4 body paragraphs
- a conclusion

What is the message in the story about the dangers of social media and how fake it can become in terms of identify and using and judging others in the sotry to an extreme? Is the story showing how people judege others too harshly based on things like status already and this future world takes it to wherer it is all every interaction is about? How does it show these things?

What scens in the story show where social media and this kind of judgeing is going and how bad it might get? Describe them in the body paragraphs and explain how each supports/ proves the thesis of your essay

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Term Paper: Analyze the theme of the story black mirror what is the
Reference No:- TGS02359105

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