TOPIC: Diversification, Restructuring, turnarounds, and resilience
COMPANIES: Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer
Delios & Beamish 1999 “Geographic Scope, Product Diversification, and the Corporate Performance of Japanese Firms”
Thomas 2006 “International diversification and firm performance in Mexican firms”
Singh et al. 2007 “Performance impact of business group affiliation: An analysis of the diversification-performance link in a developing economy.”
Ghosn 2002 “Saving the business without losing the company”
Hofer 1980 “Turnaround strategies”
Robbins, Pearse 1992 “Turnaround: retrenchment and recovery”
1) Which of these two companies has a business that is in need of a turnaround?
2) Analyze the sources of the business’s problems. Suggest ways for this business to initiate and execute a successful turnaround.
3) Does the business lack anything to start a successful turnaround? What kind of help can it get from the corporation?