Part 1: Get familiar with Slope Stability analysis software that Bentley provides. The software is located in the computer lab in the Geostructural link on the desktop. Analyze the slope problem that we did in class today using all 5 methods the software offers, using a standard 1.5 factor of safety. Compare the results with the Ordinary Method of Slices Factor of Safety.
A 30 foot tall, 1.5:1 slope is to be built. The soil is homogeneous, with c' = 400 lb/ft2 and ?' = 29°.

Part 2: Add a surface surcharge load of 2500 lbs/ft2 located at the top edge of the slope and 25 feet long (strip load on terrain). Analyze the slope again with a 1.5 factor of safety. If there are stability issues presented, discuss possible stabilization techniques that could be implemented if there was a major 4 lane highway running at the toe of the slope.