Analyze the security vulnerabilities that could introduced

Discussion: "Vulnerability Issues in Cloud Computing"

Respond to the following:

• Suppose that you are CIO of a small organization (50 employees) that is considering a cloud migration. You have 10 servers in one data center location that supports an office with staff, a manufacturing plant, and 10 salespeople. Analyze the security vulnerabilities that could be introduced into your environment by cloud computing. Propose the efforts that you would deploy to mitigate them.

• Determine how cloud computing in a large organization could address physical security vulnerabilities. Provide two other areas where cloud computing could benefit a large organization.

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Computer Engineering: Analyze the security vulnerabilities that could introduced
Reference No:- TGS02986708

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