Assignment task:
In today's classroom, there are a variety of moral and ethical concerns that may arise, including behavioral concerns, family concerns, and safety concerns. Early childhood educators can prepare to deal with these situations, by thinking through possible scenarios that may occur.
For this assignment, analyze the scenarios on the "Ethical Dilemmas Matrix," and determine the appropriate ethical response in the following areas:
- The teacher's response within the classroom
- Action steps and rationale for these steps
- Communication with families, administrators, and other professionals
- A discussion of which of the principles from the Model Code of Ethics for Educators your response to the scenario aligns with and why (only need a few)
"Knox is 6 and has some issues with hygiene. He often wears the same clothes for several days in a row. At least once a week, he poops his pants and/or does not wipe, so other students have started avoiding him or asking to sit somewhere else. Twice this week, he has worn the same soiled underwear to class, after an accident has occurred."