Hands-On Project 2-5: A Challenge
Objective: Explore a ping option and independently analyze a packet capture.
Description: In this project, you experiment with a variation of the ping command and then analyze a packet capture to determine how the result is different from the one you obtained in Hands-On Project 2-4.
1. Access both the Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 computers with administrative accounts.
2. Set up your system to capture a ping of your partner's system using the IPv6 address, as you have in the previous projects.
3. Enter the command ping -l 5000 IPv6_address, where -l is the letter l, not the number one, and IPv6_address is the IPv6 address of your partner's system. Capture the result.
4. Analyze the results. What is the effect of using the -l option with the ping command? How is this result different from that in Hands-On Project 2-4? How does IP handle this difference?
5. Log off your systems.