
Analyze the relevance of understanding individual


The case describes information and key observations concerning manager and worker behavior. You will identify and analyze the critical incidents (problems, situations, issues, and consequences) in the case influencing individual and organizational performance and effectiveness, making appropriate recommendations to improve problems, meet challenges, and take advantage of opportunities.

Your analysis must evidence understanding of the case's specific characters, context, and circumstances. Avoid generalizations that might apply to similar cases available on the Internet or in previous courses.

As you complete the required elements below, make sure to also:

• Identify and explain all relevant OB concepts and theories using examples where appropriate;

• Explain specific case characteristics, incidents and/or situations that address the concepts or theories;

• Analyze the relevance of understanding individual characteristics;

• Analyze advantages and disadvantage key incidents or situations (i.e., drawbacks and/or positives associated with the situation as it related to individual performance and/or organizational productivity and effectiveness;

• Provide specific recommendations to address problems, challenges, and opportunities, and a proposed follow-up or evaluation.

Compose an Abstract

Compose an abstract that is one paragraph on its own separate page. The abstract synthesizes case highlights putting the characters and incidents in context, and generally setting the scene for the detailed analysis to follow.

Critical lncidents

Identify and analyze at least three critical incidents (problems, situations, issues, and consequences) in the case that influenced individual and organizational performance and effectiveness. Explain how and why you think the incidents influenced individual and organizational performance and effectiveness. Discuss the pros and cons of key incidents or situations (i.e., what are the drawbacks and/or positives associated with the situation as it related to individual performance and/or organizational productivity and effectiveness?)


Make appropriate recommendations to address problems, to meet challenges, and take advantage of opportunities, and propose follow-up or evaluation.

Organizational Behavior Concepts, theories, methods, strategies or Practices

Identify and present in bold font at least six different OB concepts, theories, methods, strategies, or practices in your analysis. Demonstrate through context and/or endnotes your understanding of the terms' definition and meaningfulness to the meet the assignment's purpose and course objectives. Note: to quote the definition is not the same as demonstrating your understanding of it.

Significant Learning and Understanding

Determine what significant learning and understanding you gained from your research and analysis. Identify and evaluate at least three valuable take-aways you learned from your organization change analysis, and how you envision specifically applying them to your job or career.

Review the Paper

Read the paper to ensure all required elements are present. Use the grading rubric to ensure that you gain the most points possible for this assignment.

The paper must clearly demonstrate your ability to understand how and why individual characteristics and behavior (e.g. personality, values, attitude, perception) influence organizational performance and effectiveness.

Double-spaced, 12-point font. The final product will be between 4-6 pages in length excluding the title page and reference page. Write clearly and concisely.

Title page (your name, the course name, assignment, the name of the organization, the date, and instructor's name)

The body of the paper should consist of the following format.

Case abstract

I. Brief introduction

II. Critical incidents (occurrence, fact, change, e.g., product diversification and market growth as reflected by "expanded its product line from aging-related to sports injury-related medical supplies and equipment" in the case study)

Critical incident 1
Critical incident 2
Critical incident 3
[and so forth]

III. Recommendations (e.g., offer workshops or individual coaching with personality tests to more effectively identify, validate, share, and utilize personality traits, preference strengths, job-fit methods, and interactionist perspectives-see Saylor/OB section 3.1)

Include follow up or evaluation (outside research and resources would be a plus here; e.g., how will management determine if the intervention recommended above actually worked? Perhaps assessing personality trait-based problem behavior during performance refers could work, or including manager reports from the personality tests referred to, say, three and six months after the intervention would provide useful results...?)

IV. Significant learning (see Instruction 8 for details about take-aways)

Learning or Take-away 1
Learning or Take-away 2
Learning or Take-away 3:
...and so forth

References (required course materials and outside research sources) listed on their own separate page in APA style.

Draw data, information, and ideas from at least six required resources (at least two from each of Weeks 1, 2, and 3) listed in the weekly Schedules, plus at least two credible, authoritative, relevant outside sources for a total of at least eight references. Your outside references should show a mix of scholarly and applied/practical sources.

Organizational Behavior from Saylor Organization

• Chapter 1: Organizational Behavior
• Chapter 2: Managing Demographic and Cultural Diversity
• Chapter 4: Individual Attitudes and Behaviors

Organizational Behavior from Saylor

• Chapter 3: Understanding People at Work: Individual Differences and Perception
• Chapter 7: Managing Stress and Emotions.

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Business Management: Analyze the relevance of understanding individual
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