
Analyze the relationship between religion and reform in the

Religion and Reform, 1800-1860

Answers questions, 10 sentence , two last question 10-15 sentence

1. Analyze the relationship between religion and reform in the decades from 1800 to 1860. Why did many religious people feel compelled to remake society? How successful were they? Do you see any parallels with social movements today?

2. The word reform has a positive connotation, as an effort to make things better. Yet many mid-nineteenth-century Americans viewed some "reforms," such as abolitionism and women's rights, as destructive to the social order, and other "reforms," such as Sabbatarianism and temperance, as threats to individual freedom. What was the apparent conflict among reform, social order, and liberty?

3. THEMATIC UNDERSTANDING Review the events listed under "Ideas, Beliefs, and Culture" on the thematic timeline, paying particular attention to the entries related to individualism and rights on the one hand and to various communal and religious movements on the other. What was the relationship between these somewhat contradictory cultural impulses? How were these two movements related to the social and economic changes in America in the decades after 1800

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4. ACROSS TIME AND PLACE Did the era of reform (1820-1860) increase or diminish the extent of social and cultural freedom that existed during the Revolutionary era (1770-1820)?

5. VISUAL EVIDENCE Compare the cheerful depiction of the young woman in the watercolor depicting "night life in Philadelphia" with the thoughtful or intense expression on the faces of the social reformers depicted in this chapter (Emerson, Fuller, and Stanton and Anthony). Given their beliefs, would those reformers have approved or disapproved of the conduct of the young Philadelphia woman? Explain your reasoning.

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6. KEY TURNING POINTS: Most of the entries here relate to events in the 1830s, 1840s, and 1850s. In your judgment, which is the most important event in each decade? Over all three decades? Write a coherent essay that justifies your choices and, if possible, relates those events to each other.

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History: Analyze the relationship between religion and reform in the
Reference No:- TGS01462406

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