
Analyze the quality of research studies

Assignment : Final Project Part V: Quality Checklist

Review the following two research studies.

1.Garne, D., Watson, M., Chapman, S., & Byrne, F. (2005). Environmental tobacco smoke research published in the journal Indoor and Built Environment and associations with the tobacco industry. Lancet, 365(9461), 804-9.

2.Sclar, E. D., Garau, P., Carolini, G. (2005). The 21st century health challenge of slums and cities. Lancet, 365(9462), 901-3

Based on your review of the two studies, create a checklist to analyze the quality of research studies.

Q1 Your checklist should not have more than 20 items. Avoid repetition.

Q2 Explain how each item on the checklist helps evaluate a study.


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Other Management: Analyze the quality of research studies
Reference No:- TGS01811652

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