
Analyze the productivity levels of management approaches


Part 1

You are looking at a comparison of productivity under 2 organizational structures: The data are artificial estimates of productivity with column 1 representing traditional vertical management and column 2 representing other autonomous work teams (ATW). The background is that a company of 100 factory workers had been operating under traditional vertical management and decided to move to ATW. The same employees were involved in both systems having first worked under vertical management and then being converted to ATW.

Complete the following:

• Analyze the productivity levels of the 2 management approaches, and decide which is superior.
• Include the SPSS output, which validates your conclusion.

Part 2

You need to make a decision about whether levela person is alive or dead ten years after a coronary is reflected in a significant difference in his diastolic blood pressure taken when that event occurred.. You will use "DBP58" as a dependent variable and "VITAL10" as your independent variable. Complete the following:

• Analyze these conditions to determine if there is a significant difference between the DBP levels of those (vital10) who are alive 10 years later compared to those who died within 10 years. Include the SPSS output, which validates your conclusion.

• Write a brief paragraph describing your conclusions.

Part 3

Occasionally, you have one independent variable that has 3 or more levels within. Consider the following question, and examine it using the gss.zip database: You are interested in looking at the relationship between the dependent variable of the income level of respondents (rincdol) and the independent variable of their reported level of happiness (happy). Using SPSS, complete the following:

• Run the ANOVA program to determine the overall conclusion.
• Use the Bonferroni correction as a post-hoc analysis to determine the relationship of specific levels of happiness to income.
• Write your conclusion of the findings based upon the output.

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Basic Statistics: Analyze the productivity levels of management approaches
Reference No:- TGS01970562

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