
Analyze the object according to requirements for the week -

You are required to make a post to the course online discussion forum. The posts will be graded on a 25-point scale. (25 (A), 15 (C), or 0 (F)). You will receive the full 25 points for answering the questions completely in depth and creatively, you will receive 15 points for partially answering the questions, scarcely, and not critically and you will receive 0 points for not answering the questions at all or not putting forth any effort. Each post should do the following:

Find & Post (or post a link to) something of business communication (photo, short video, brief piece of writing, song, etc -- that no one else in class has posted to the blog yet) and that meets the topics discussed for that week.

Analyze the object according to requirements for the week.

Make a connection to the readings, videos or recordings for the week.

Chapter 13: Identifying and landing a job can be a long and difficult process. Fortunately, the skills youâre developing in this course will give you a competitive advantage. This section offers a general job-search strategy with advice that applies to just about any career path you might want to pursue. As you craft your personal strategy, keep these three guidelines in mind: 1) Get organized, 2) Start now and stick to it, and 3) Look for stepping-stone opportunities.

Chapter 14: Your résumé is the centerpiece of your job search package, but it needs support from several other employment messages, including application letters, job-inquiry letters, application forms, and follow-up notes. You will learn how to develop a foundation for successful interviewing, along with tips on writing effective application, letters and other important employment-related messages.

Module Objectives:

After completing this module you will be able to:

Discuss the importance of organization and networking in regard to job searching and professional advancement.

Describe the tasks involved in writing your resume including the different sections in your resume.

Chapter Objectives: After reading and viewing the assigned resources, you will be able to:

Discuss the importance of organization and networking in regard to job searching and professional advancement.

Compose an organized letter of application.

Identify and prepare an appropriate resume for a desired position of employment.

Formulate the appropriate way in which to include references into a resume.

Prepare an interview follow-up / thank you letter.

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Other Subject: Analyze the object according to requirements for the week -
Reference No:- TGS02404329

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