
Analyze the movie stonewall uprising

Assignment Problem:

Introduction: Stonewall Uprising film.

You will be required to analyze the movie using sociological: Structural Functionalism.

Should include at least 2-course or more concepts or arguments from class readings: Discrimination, Violence Crime, Labeling, Stereotypes, Social Control, and Sanctions.

Please answer these with a combination of your informed opinions and backed up by class or other peer-reviewed materials.

Question 1: How are the Stonewall riots similar to or different from other struggles for civil rights?

Question 2: What rights are the people that we have seen on film and in pictures looking to get?

Question 3: What is stopping them from achieving their goals; why do they need to fight for their rights?

Question 4: What do you think the struggles that these groups have gone through in our history say about America and the experience of different groups in our country?

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Other Subject: Analyze the movie stonewall uprising
Reference No:- TGS03212559

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