
Analyze the leadership process at the global


Research and Reflection project

Leadership processes at the global and local levels

Our task in this assignment is to focus on a particular local security or development challenge within your own context that you have observed or read about, that you see as linked to global events. Examples may include, but are not limited to, COVID-19, Climate change, gender equality etc etc. Think about an initiative or programme that you know of that was designed to respond to that situation.

Focusing on the outcomes or results of the response to this challenge - whether or not it was successful. You should make a summary submission in the form of a video diary or video presentation, that will:

• Assess the situations and the key issues involved; were there identifiable goals among the members of the group or society

• Determine whether and how a leader emerged in that context and what factors demonstrated this

• Analyze the leadership process outlining the following:

o The nature of the relationship between the leaders and the rest of the group or society

o What leadership styles and qualities became apparent in that setting?

• What were the outcomes? Were they expected?

• What other factors determined the outcomes or results achieved in that situation?

• Did a new situation emerge? How did this change the leader(s) and the followers?

• What overall conclusions can be drawn from this experience?

The video submitted should not be more than 6 minutes in length. You should also include a supporting 1500 word essay with analysis of the key points made in the video.

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Operation Management: Analyze the leadership process at the global
Reference No:- TGS03155694

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